Successful Resistance
San Francisco neighborhoods that have successfully resisted the siting of wireless communications antennas in their area include:
Broadway & Van Ness by Mark Longwood
Neighbors Convince Wireless Carrier to Withdraw from Proposed Antenna Site
Marina by Madeline Camisa
Neighbors Successfully Appeal Planning Commission Approval to Board of Supervisors
Lower Pacific Heights
Neighbors Convince Property Owner to Break Contract with Wireless Carrier and Successfully Appeal Planning Commission Approval to Board of Supervisors
Upper Fillmore by Mark Zier
Neighbors Successfully Appeal Planning Commission Approval to Board of Supervisors
Panhandle by David Mihaly
Neighbors Convince Property Owner to Break Contract with Wireless Carrier
Outer Sunset
Neighbors Convince Property Owner to Break Contract with Wireless Carrier
Ocean Avenue
Neighbors Successfully Appeal Planning Commission Approval to Board of Supervisors